What is

What is

Is a Real-Time Virtual Directional Drilling program, which provides drilling analysis from downhole motor, toolface, recommendations about orientation, instant projections, communication to the floor, deviation records and can be made recommendations regarding the progress meter by meter.

What are the

  • The best 3D visualization in the oil & gas industry​​
  • Multiple users​​
  • Allows remote users to have access to the same information that is on the rig site
  • Calculation and continuous analysis of the drilling process.​​
  • The directional driller has constant and immediate feedback, which allows it to make adjustments or corrections on the fly based on the recommendations that HawkEye nav makes, resulting in better quality wells in less time and lower cost

Utilities of

  1. Reduction of problems with torque and drag.
  2. Reduction in BHA related problems.
  3. Better hole quality which makes termination job easier.
  4. Increases tool efficiency.
  5. Uncertainty and Anti-Collision Calculation based on the ISCWSA error model.​​
  6. The IPM model and center to center measurements in our 3D render are standard tools that all HawkEye applications have

Why use ?

  • Greater flow of information.
  • Fewer errors
  • Better quality of holes.
  • Less time on the wells.
  • Less investment on tools.
  • Staff reduction.
  • Cost reduction over 20%